Patient Opinion / Feedback from Panchkarma Patients
Dear Dr.Prerak,
I wanted to give you some feedback after almost 2 weeks of the new therapy. I have been doing the Medhya Rasayana, the Vardma Pippali (even though I admit that eating 10 pieces of Pippali in one go is tough) and the Kumari Rasayana. In addition I have switched to non/very light breakfast. And I been doing Shiro Pichu with Brahmi OIl. It has changed a lot – better sleep (I usually wake up now around 0500 without alarm bell). better breathing (ozon therapy in the morning), less tired, lighter and so on. It has also positively influenced my Yoga practice. I also started reading the Bhagavad-Gita and I am enriched by the poetic wisdom of it – it is really beautiful and it has changed me a lot already. So, altogether a very beautiful experience and I am impressed by the fact that you discovered all these areas during the consultation. I wish you a pleasant “world tour” and hope to see you soon. Best rgds,
I wanted to give you some feedback after almost 2 weeks of the new therapy. I have been doing the Medhya Rasayana, the Vardma Pippali (even though I admit that eating 10 pieces of Pippali in one go is tough) and the Kumari Rasayana. In addition I have switched to non/very light breakfast. And I been doing Shiro Pichu with Brahmi OIl. It has changed a lot – better sleep (I usually wake up now around 0500 without alarm bell). better breathing (ozon therapy in the morning), less tired, lighter and so on. It has also positively influenced my Yoga practice. I also started reading the Bhagavad-Gita and I am enriched by the poetic wisdom of it – it is really beautiful and it has changed me a lot already. So, altogether a very beautiful experience and I am impressed by the fact that you discovered all these areas during the consultation. I wish you a pleasant “world tour” and hope to see you soon. Best rgds,
Patient Name – Matthias, Germany (17.05.2019)
Hi Prerakbhai & Vandanaben,
I am doing good after I took panchakrma treatment with you last month (May 2011). I have no pain or numbness in my arm and hope it won’t come back. I also went EMG test- nerve conduction test as directed by my orthopedic here. The test came out negative, they did not find any damage nerve and as per neurologist & orthopedic now I do not have Carpal Tunnel. Now I am happy and be able to do my normal daily activities.
Thank you for all your help and time you and Vandanaben spent for my treatment.
Patient Name – Monnaa, USA
As of the 20th of March 2000, I started the treatment at your clinic and the following Aryurveda Treatments were given:
Herba Massage
Complete Body Herbal Dhara Herbal Fomentation
Basties –Panchakarma Treatment
Nasya – Panchakarma Treatment
Shrodhara – Dhara in my Head
Face Pack
Netra-tarpan, treatment for the eyes . I must say the treatments were done in a very professional manner and with and with much care and love. I have felt very relaxed, clean, light in short like new borned. The treatment has increased my eye-sight, what was -2.75 and is now only -2.0, so I could use my „old“ spectacles again. Also I was suffering of lack of concentration and forgetfulness, and I must say that after the treatment my concentration has improvement immensely, also I remember things easily. Further I was suffering of Excema, what has disappeared now.

Patient Name – Illeke Sahanaja, Austria
Thank you for your monthly newsletter. The devastation must be overwhelming. Please know that I’ll be remembering you, your family and fellow countrymen in my prayers. My Sarcoidosis is greatly improved… thanks largely to changing my way of life… eating habits (according to dosha) and meditation I’ll shall look to hear from you again next month.
Patient Name – Susan Palmer Marshall, USA
Greetings from New York. Please advice me about what I can do to maintain the Panchkarma results. Is it possible to perform a mini-panchkarma every 10-15 years?
“Acne problems are commonplace in teen-aged children and it is not a secret that they are unwelcome. My case was not any different and I had been trying out different treatments without success. Fortunately, I got Dr. Prerak Shah’s reference.
The Panchkarma treatment takes a short time vis-a-vis homeopathy, allopathy etc. and the bottomline is that it works! The fundamental difference is that it is based on cleaning and flushing out the undesirable materials.
Since I received the treatment (more then a decade now) and I am very happy with the results of Panchkarma. Dr. Prerak Shah is a pioneer in this field and you are in safe hands under his guidance.”
Patient Name – M, USA
“ I want you to know my overall condition and state of being has definitely gained ground. I need to continue but there is definity greater digestive power, less anxiety about food and about things in general – more awareness of my thoughts too – so more changes will no doubt continue. For these I am more grateful to you.”
Patient Name – Wandy Stegall, USA
“energetic massage. Circulatory action – very stimulating for the exterior layer of energy. – good for liver and large intestine – light action on joints”
Patient Name – Janny Eva, France
“Nyasya, eyes treatments, face massage were excellent and very interesting to receive. Thank you”
Patient Name – Cledia Bee, Switzerland
I am very happy to have Panchkarma Ayurvedic Treatment. All the Panchkarma treatmemts are very scientific base on. My personal experience day by day health take better and better. I feel very good. I feel hungry. My dry eye is improved. I have stop using my regular eye drops. I strongly recommend Panchkarma treatment the best.
Patient Name -Ramesh Choksi
I having problem of cough. I went to Dr. and he is suggested me for the Panchkarma. I was also heard about it. And off course I want to know about it. Ohh…my god it is wonfderfull experience like heaven. Fill so light overall body and filling fresh with staff and of course doctor’s treatment. Dr.Prerak shah is wonderful doctor.
Patient Name – Hina Pandit
Haasss…ek dil thi nikdel aavaj what a relief..Panchkarma ni treatment pura 15 divas lidha pachi khubaj mansik ane sharirik haaskara no anubhav thayo. Ane te fakt mej nathi anubhvyu pan mara circle mathi pan khubaj compliments malya. “HAPPY”…. Ahina staff no swabhav caring, milansar ane hamesa haasya chahera par..khubaj dhanyavad temne..Just keep it up..Vd. Prerak shah mate to su lakhvu ej nakki nathi thatu. Temna tvarit decision ane ramuji swabhav.. tamara dardo dur kari aape chhe. Thank you once again prerak bhai… with of love…
Patient Name – Yatri Jani
I am facing skin problem from last 25 years, I tried Allopathic / Ayurvedic in 1995-2007. Then I joined Ayulink clinic last week. They gave me panchkarma treatment. which was amazing week time, I got good result. My complication improved. I am thankful to prerak bhai for all his support.
Patient Name – Darshna Shah
Excellent service clean, time oriented facility. Doctors are knowledgeable and excellent. Dr. prerak shah is awesome. Dr.Dhruti very sweet. Staff is well behaved, co.operative and knowlegable. Meena ben did great service in this whole month. Panchkarma thanks for me. Thank you “Ayulink” Dr. Prerak shah.
Patient Name – Jalpa Dave
This has been a great experience with my treatment. My treatment organized. Staff is excellent. Doctors is very knowledgable. Thank you very much for every thing. Keep it up and Good luck with all the future patients.
Patient Name – Tanvi Maheta
Avaaj ni speech badlai gai hati. Je pahela jevi thai gai. Thak lagvanu praman ochhu thayu. Bhukh lagvani sharuaat thai.
Patient Name – Shailee H.Shah
Dr.Prerak Shah saheb na under ma mari treatment Date-22.5.17 thi Date- 3.6.17 sudhi karvani chhe. Je kaam neuro surgeon thi na thai sakyu te kaam dr.prerak shah ni treatment thi farak padva aavyo che. Mari treatment karva ma avi chhe tyarthi mane bauj faydo thayo chhe. Mara mujab Ayurved j saras Upaay chhe. Evo mane viswas chhe. Viswas mahatva ni vat chhe. Medam no pan moto hath chhe. Temaj Ayulink no staff pan sari mahenat kare chhe. Dukh no ilaaj e chhe ke Doctor na kaheva mujab follow karvu ane regularity rakhvi.
Patient Name – Yogendra singh
Mane lagbhag 2 varas thi gas ane acidity ni bauj taklif hati jena lidhe sidash nikltu hatu ane sandha no dukhavo hato. Dr.Prerak Shah pase thi panchkarma ni treatmewnt lidha pachi mari badhi taklif dur thai gai chhe.ahina staff no khuabaj support chhe jenathi maru manobal khubaj majbut banyu chhe. Thank you very much.
Patient Name – Bhavna Lakhani
I had a problem with falty lever and had high level of cholesterol and sgpt etc…I been recommend by dr. Ushaben Jani and had treatment at Ayulink. Dr. prerak shah advised me very well and explained all the situation and started with treatment . Dr.prerak is really good person and other staff. They are all good adviser and very supportive. They help me all threw time until my treatment finished. I am feeling better much than before and this is all thanks to Dr. prearak shah and staff ..
Patient Name – Virendra Patel