Ayulink Migraine Management Franchise

Offering Special Management of Migraine – Headache condition

Ayulink now offers Franchise for Ayulink Migraine Management Center (in India and Worldwide):

Ayulink Migraine Management center franchise is for individuals as well as centers who offer special process for the management of Migriane – Headache. Ayulink would help franchise by providing knowledge, experience and confidence in the process of dealing with severe Migraine condition. Inventory (necessary product/s will be supplied by Ayulink). The unique process is developed by Dr. Prerak Shah, after his experience of 30+ years as a leading panchkarma doctor in the state.

Clinical trials have been conducted and a scientific paper is already published in the International Ayurveda Journal, which is available online to read.

We have Two International Franchise in USA (Atlnata and Florida) and Nine Indian Franchise at present.

To contact our present Franchise, please visit Ayulink Franchise Network

We invite you to join us and be a part of our worldwide network. Please contact us: info@ayulink.com


Please have a look at research Papers on efficacy of our Migraine program, published in a scientific journal / presented in International Conference:
(1) A Clinical study of ‘MIG-17’ nasal drops in the management of Ardhavbhedaka w.s.r to Migraine
Copy-paste this link into your browser  http://iamj.in/posts/images/upload/543_548_1.pdf 
or download IAMJ-paper (pdf file)

(2) To  evaluate the faster action of ‘MIG-17’ nasal drops in the management of Ardhavbhedaka w.s.r. to Migraine in comparison with other popular modern pain killers
download FASTER ACTION OF ‘MIG-17’ (PDF file)