Ayulink Education Center Franchise

Ayulink now offers Franchise for Ayulink educational courses (in India and Worldwide) – since 1996

Ayulink Educational franchise is for individuals as well as centers who offer short term Ayurveda courses.

There are two possibilities: either you offer courses which are designed by Ayulink or else you continue to offer the courses conducted by you, with due approval of Ayulink.

Ayulink would help improving the technical quality of these courses and finally the certificate / diploma would be awarded by Ayulink India.

This would motivate students to choose appropriate courses. Further, this kind of business association with a reputed Indian Ayurveda organization makes it more authentic for business purposes.

We have two International Franchise of Ayulink Education at present: Malaga (Spain) and Hamburg (Germany)

To contact our present Franchise, please visit Ayulink Franchise Network

We invite you to join us and be a part of our worldwide network.
Please contact us: info@ayulink.com